An Ocean Odyssey

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2011-03-08 (Tue), 16:53


作者: Stephen Wong (王敏嘉) & Takako Uno (宇野貴子)



"A marine pictorial anthology features some of our finest wide blue images of the sea. This publication documents our watery journey and our quest to capture glimpses of the mega and pelagic inhabitants of the sea, their special moments and their relationships with the Ocean that perpetually shapes our life." – Stephen Wong & Takako Uno Foreword by: David Doubilet (National Geographic Contributing-Photographer-in-Residence with more than 18 covers and 60 stories in Nat Geo; author of many pictorial books, including masterpieces "Water Light Time", "Light in the Sea" & "Pacific") Other Guests' Commentaries in the Book: Lee Peterson (photographer, marine-camera housing, lens & electronics manufacturer, managing owner of Marine Camera Distributors of San Diego, California, USA; author of "Liquid Light") Yoshino Yusuke, 吉野雄輔 (marine wildlife photographer who has traveled to more than 80 countries for his ocean work and with over 20 books published; considered to be one of the top photographic gurus in Japan) Yoshi Hirata, 平田吉克 (another Japanese photographic guru specializes in small critters; discoverer of more than 10 new species of marine life; author of "My Ocean"& "My Expression of Love for the Sea with... Yoshi"; managing owner of P-com Resort of the Philippines) Hiroya Minakuchi, 水口博也 (recognized as the top cetacean photographer in Japan who specializes in whales, dolphins and other large animals; author of more than 30 marine photography books, video CDs, DVDs and novels; publisher of "Sphere" magazine) Steve Lu (award winning photographer; author of "Back to Nature – the Galapagos")

Specifications:240 pages, 10.5inches X 10.5inches (27cm x 27cm), Hard Cover. Printed in both English & Japanese.

售價:HK$ 450 (包括本地郵費 plus postage)  
